Does business feel increasingly soul-sucking, meaningless, stressful, and dehumanizing to you?
We are all these creative, innovative, impact-driven, caring, change-enthusiastic, creative minds, but in the current business system…we cannot be ourselves.
Because this way of doing business, this system, incentivizes egoism, fitting in, being like everyone else, being manipulative, thinking along, playing zero-sum games, and exploiting others including the environment around us.
No wonder we feel shit! We’re built for something else! We’re built for a system that fosters creativity, being different, thinking weird, and embracing change!
Here comes the positive news, though: There is a world of business out there that is different! I call it the Business-As-Un-Usual world.
And in this world, people are building a way of doing business that embraces slowness, mindfulness, sufficiency, and care, while cultivating adventurism, resonance, playfulness, meaning, and interdependence.
Shall we enter that new business world?
Below is a report (76 slides) I put together that will help you…
…explore the narratives that keep us stuck in a soul-sucking, exploitative business world
….and introduce and invite you to new (or, rather, alternative) narratives for a Business-As-Un-Usual world, followed each by a curation of interesting business concepts and further resources for you to dive into.
1. Buy & Download The Report:
2. Read & Digest The Report
3. Share The Report
I put this report out there for free on purpose: I want to open as many eyes as possible about the soul-sucking narratives dominating our business world and the regenerative and soul-filling alternative stories that could replace them!
I had so many people engaging with my initial post on LinkedIn about the idea of this report. And last year, a post about human-scale organizations became my most viral post so far. So, I know (!) that many would benefit from this!
But this is mostly the people who are already kind of into a Business-As-Un-Usual world. However, I also want to reach those out there who feel unwelcome, disillusioned, and alone in the business world but don’t know yet that these alternative way of approaching and doing business are there!
Soooooo! Please help me in spreading the word, by sharing this report on social media, within your company, and with your friends! Thank you so much! 😊
That’s it already for today’s Deep Dive issue of Creative Destruction!
Thanks so much for supporting my work.
Keep reframing,
Great work, Thomas. This is the way!
Thank you for this. As I saw you are weaving in liminality into your posts, may I offer a note to take what you said and try liminality as a framework to explore "growing" without just adding more of the same in volume.