Great work, Thomas. This is the way!

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Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it :)

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Thank you for this. As I saw you are weaving in liminality into your posts, may I offer a note to take what you said and try liminality as a framework to explore "growing" without just adding more of the same in volume.


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This is super interesting Johan! I have only recently come across liminality and this is the first time I've heard about the concept of a liminal economy. Will definitely follow your work.

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New to your thread but will dig in. Looking forward. Here are more articles: https://medium.com/@johan_liedgren

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Absolutely love it. It reminds me of this great line from the poem Wild Geest by Mary Oliver.

"You only have to let the soft animal of the body love what it loves"

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great quote!! :)

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This is an excellent summary of the concepts that can help us get off the path of business-as-usual. I'm so excited to see bioregionalism mentioned - it's a concept I studied as part of my sustainability degree, but gets little mention in the mainstream. Great work!

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Thank you so much! Bioregionalism is a super interesting one. I only learned about it a couple of months ago.

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Thanks for such an interesting and thorough piece of research! I was especially drawn to the idea of a portfolio career since I’ve recently found myself on this path. It’s given me the chance to dive into communications and marketing across totally different fields—luxury collectible art toys and B2B reusable packaging. These areas couldn’t be more different, but both are super exciting! And of course, it’s been a great boost for my portfolio too!

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Thanks a lot! And yes I also find the portfolio career model interesting. Anna Mack is the go-to person for this: https://annamackstack.substack.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=substack_profile

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Beautiful reframing! One related concept I've been wondering about is the worker's collective a la Mondragon. It seems like this type of work arrangement could answer a lot of problems we are facing with corporate employers. Perhaps we're not hearing about this alternative because it is a threat to the existing power structures?

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